Best 5 Random Domain Name Generators and Suggestions

Setting up a new website and still thinking for a unique domain for it? Usually you come up with some good names that you’ve thought of and go straight to domain registrar to register and find out that the name is already taken. Then you get two choices at that point; either consider the suggested and related names from the domain registrar or think again for some new and this time — some random names, that you feel sure of are not taken already.

With more then 192 Million active domain names registered, it becomes even harder to find a good domain name that matches a product, service, or website concept that is not already taken. People then go for some crazy random words and combine them to create a unique name for their websites. This random name thinking process becomes even more tiring when you go and check each name one by one.

This is where Domain Name Generators or Suggestion tools make your life much easier. They not only create and suggest random domain names but also tell you whether those name are taken. Recently when I was suggesting a domain for my friend’s website I searched for these domain name generators and found so many of them while searching, I though to share some good ones that might help you in suggesting domain name for your next website.

So, here are the Top 5 Domain Name Generators, ranked on my personal usage experience. Leave your valuable comments and add the service you’ve used and like and you think should be included in the list as well.